Guinea Pigs

This blog is about guinea pigs (duh) and how to take care of them, advice, floor time, food, ect. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to ask any questions you have and I will definetly answer.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Naughty Pigs!

So, my guinea pigs, Bella and Rosie, have been EXTRA naughty lately!! They always are, but they were being crazy! So, my bed used to be just my matress on the ground (I know it sounds stupid but it was sort of a way of pig proofing because they couldn't go underneath and chew on it.) but they chewed on the edges of the mattress. So, I put the frame and box-spring on my bed and let them run around. I noticed they had been wanting to have floor time constantly and when they were under my bed they would swing their butts and purr at each other. Well, one night I layed on the floor and watched them run around under my bed. Suddenly, Rosie disappeared! I had no idea where she went! It turns out she chewed a hole in the cloth underneath the boxspring and jumped up there to run around! So, I had to get her out using the sound of food (fat pig!) and they will not be allowed to have floor time until it is fixed. Poor girls :(.

Now, DO NOT THINK I AM A BAD GUINEA PIG OWNER!!! I love them and I cuudle them whenever I can (which is often). I had no idea they were doing that and when I found out I was really scared.


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