Guinea Pigs

This blog is about guinea pigs (duh) and how to take care of them, advice, floor time, food, ect. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to ask any questions you have and I will definetly answer.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My First Post!

So, since this is my first post, I will tell you about myself:
  • I am in love with my 2 guinea pigs Bella and Rosie. Bella is a black and white ridgeback. She turned 1 year old on June 26, 2010. Rosie is a red, black, and white American. She turned 1 on February 14, 2010. We got them both from a shelter and Rosie is Bella's mom.
  • I am building them a C&C Cage. It is 2x5 and it has one grid space cut out of it so that it will go around the air vent.
  • In the cage there will be a layer of newspaper, then towels, then like 1/2 of bedding, then fleece. There will be alot of dog beds and cuddle cups.
  • I got my pigs from Cavy Care Inc. Which is a shelter like 30 minutes away from my house.
  • I desperatley want more pigs because they are just so much fun!
  • I want this piggie really bad but I can't have him because he isn't nuetered and my mom won't let me get any more. :(
  • I don't like craigslist breeders who breed their guinea pigs then sell them on CL.
So yeah that's pretty much it. I hope you enjoy my blog and please please please check out my youtube: http://www/ There will be videos up today or tomorrow.