Guinea Pigs

This blog is about guinea pigs (duh) and how to take care of them, advice, floor time, food, ect. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to ask any questions you have and I will definetly answer.

Monday, September 6, 2010


So, If you are looking for more toys to give to your guinea pigs, here is a list and how to make them:
  • Toilet Paper Roll: When you have empty toilet paper rolls, save them. Put a treat in the middle and stuf it full of hay. Your piggie will love pulling out the hay and pushing it around. The will also chew on it and they love it.
  • Paper Bags: Put a paper bag open and on the ground during floor time. Put a treat in it and maybe some hay. Your guinea pigs will love eating their hay inside a bag. They also sometimes popcorn while in the bag and it's hilarious!
  • Stuffed animals: Before I stopped shopping from PetSmart and Petco, I bought a pumpkin dog toy. It is about the size of a softball, and they love it! They roll it around and if it rolls and hits one, she will nip at it like it's real!
  • Obstacle Courses: During floor time, put an obstacle course of pillows around your room and they will run and run and run, then when they are tired, they will sleep under all the pillows they knocked down.
Hey, could you guys do me a favor? I would be so happy if you did. Will you check out my youtube? I am editing a video right now. Here is the link:  
"PetSmart - Stop Cruel Animal Sales"

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My First Post!

So, since this is my first post, I will tell you about myself:
  • I am in love with my 2 guinea pigs Bella and Rosie. Bella is a black and white ridgeback. She turned 1 year old on June 26, 2010. Rosie is a red, black, and white American. She turned 1 on February 14, 2010. We got them both from a shelter and Rosie is Bella's mom.
  • I am building them a C&C Cage. It is 2x5 and it has one grid space cut out of it so that it will go around the air vent.
  • In the cage there will be a layer of newspaper, then towels, then like 1/2 of bedding, then fleece. There will be alot of dog beds and cuddle cups.
  • I got my pigs from Cavy Care Inc. Which is a shelter like 30 minutes away from my house.
  • I desperatley want more pigs because they are just so much fun!
  • I want this piggie really bad but I can't have him because he isn't nuetered and my mom won't let me get any more. :(
  • I don't like craigslist breeders who breed their guinea pigs then sell them on CL.
So yeah that's pretty much it. I hope you enjoy my blog and please please please check out my youtube: http://www/ There will be videos up today or tomorrow.